
Archive for the ‘Conventions’ Category

My NorWesCon 2017 Schedule!

March 7, 2017 Comments off

It’s that time again! Next month is NorWesCon, a lovely 4-day Sci-fi/Fantasy/Science/Fandom convention in Seattle. Rather, it’s in Sea-Tac, which is right next to our airport.  Their Guests of Honor are Ian McDonald (Author), Cory and Catska Ench (Artists), Ethan Siegel (Science), Nancy Kress (Toastmaster), and Angry Robot Books (Spotlight Publisher) represented by Marc Gascoigne and Mike Underwood. NWC is celebrating it’s 40th year.

Once again, they’ve invited me back as a Pro Panelist. I’ll be on a number of panels and workshops, plus we’ll have the OrcaCon table in the main hallway. We’ll be holding down the fort in the hotel bar again celebrating “NachosBeerCon”. Come say hello!


The GameMaster’s Manifesto Podcast – Put Your Phone Down! (10:00pm – 11:00pm @ Cascade 11)
Jacob Osterhaus (M), Jeremy Zimmerman, Dylan Templar, Donna Prior

Bring your books and dice and join us for a live recording of “The GameMaster’s Manifesto” podcast! In this episode Jacob and Troy will be interviewing some of our gaming pros on the topic of how to deal with the technological world impinging upon game time. Facebooking at game, virtual tabletops and video games stealing players! Oh my! Can technology be used for good or is it simply incompatible with traditional tabletop?


Geek Identity and Geek Policing (10:00am – 11:00am @ Cascade 9)
Donna Prior (M), Sar Surmick, Sheye Anne Blaze

What is Geek Identity, Geek Policing and Gate Keeping? Why is it important when we’re staying active and proud of our fandoms to not dip into policing and gatekeeping? How do we bridge the age-gap in SF/F and include younger generations? We, all of us, nerds of all races, genders, orientations, and ages need to stop the gatekeeping and start building bridges.

Choosing the Right Game for My Group (11:00am – 12:00pm @ Cascade 7&8)
Ogre Whiteside (M), Donna Prior, Jeremy Zimmerman, Sar Surmick

You formed a group to play something, and then you finished it. Now what? One player doesn’t like Themed games, one player won’t Play co-operatives, and that player only likes things where they can hit something with their axe. How do you find the right game for your specific group of people? Come hear our panelists talk about different types of games and players and strategies to bring them together.

Internet and Real Life Trolls (12:00pm – 1:00pm @ Cascade 7&8)
Mickey Schulz (M), Donna Prior, Brenna Clarke Gray, J. F. High

From Doxxing to Cyber-bullying, to the people who just don’t think that being “PC” is important or has a place in SF/F. How does this affect the real people who are being subjected to mistreatment? What can we do take a stand against it? Should we and how should we?

Diversity in Media: Why is it important? (5:00pm – 6:00pm @ Evergreen 3&4)
Crystal Connor (M), Brenna Clarke Gray, Sheye Anne Blaze, Donna Prior

From heartbreaking videos of “The Doll Test” and both young children and adults who feel they can’t be accepted as they are – why is it important that our books, media, games, and cultures are diverse? Why isn’t the status quo good enough? The goal is to empower people of all stripes and diverse experiences, and to show characters and role models that help us all to feel like we can be a part of both that world and fandom.

Pop Culture and the Facebook Phenomenon (8:00pm – 9:00pm @ Cascade 9)
Brenna Clarke Gray (M), Donna Prior

Has Social Media changed how we look at Pop Culture? With Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Tumbler and Reddit…information, and the opinions of the screaming hordes, is at our fingertips quicker than it has been in the past. Is this a good or a bad thing?


Video Games (10:00am – 11:00am @ Cascade 10)
Jonny Nero Action Hero (M), Donna Prior, Arinn Dembo, Veronica Hamilton

There are so many good games out there to play on different platforms. Is World of Warcraft still the top dog? Do I need a computer or can I just play on my phone? Lets look at the different games out there, which are the best for different kinds of players, and what is needed to play them.

Hosting a Game Event (1:00pm – 2:00pm @ Cascade 7&8)
Donna Prior (M), Jonny Nero Action Hero, Barry Wilson, David Shoemaker

Want to run a game day, House con, or console party? Need some tips and ideas about how to make this a fun venture instead of a giant headache? Come and discuss the ins and outs of community game organizing.


Genre TV is Everywhere! (11:00am – 12:00pm  @Cascade 10)
David Fooden (M), Ogre Whiteside, Erik Scott de Bie, Donna Prior

With so many shows on TV and streaming networks, what should you be watching? Let’s discuss what’s currently on your TV, computer or portable device.

Crowd-Funding: The End of Capitalism? (12:00pm – 1:00pm @ Cascade 3&4)
Vandy H. Hall (M), David Fooden, Donna Prior

Whether it is games or movies or art or space vehicles or whatever, our community has embraced crowd-funding and achieved things a bank would have never financed. Is this the way of the future? What are the advantages? What are the pitfalls? Join the crowd as they talk about the giving and receiving of funding.

My BigBadCon Schedule!

September 11, 2016 Comments off


I know, I am such a multitasker. I am watching the amazing Seattle Seahawks play handegg, while drinking craft beer and blogging about tabletop games. Okay, so maybe that just makes me a Seattleite.

I just posed my GaymerX 4 schedule, with some random bloggy bits. You can read that here. I’m pausing here and there, every time a Seahawks player does something awesome. This might take a while. CAWWW-CAAAAWWWW.


This will be the first time I’ve been to BigBadCon. It’s an RPG convention, mostly, but has some amazing panels and some board/card games, too. I first heard about BigBadCon from Ryan Macklin  I saw him tweeting about it or something a while back (I have memory lost issues, for reals) and always wanted to go. A couple years later, I’m now attending as a Special Guest. I’ve really enjoyed following BBC and Sean Nitter, the host of BigBadCon. We’re Twitter pals, and I was so stoked to meet him at Gen Con this year. When he first asked if I would Special Guest, I was blown away. HELLO IMPOSTOR SYNDROME. When you think of making games, most people think about the writers and designers. A whole ton of people are involved, from layout designers, marketers, and many others who work behind the scenes in publishing. It warms my old lady heart to see so many conventions and organizers reaching out an including all people involved in game publishing.

As a convention organizer myself, I really love what Sean & company are doing and I hope that between us, OrcaCon and GaymerX, we can make the trifecta of safe, welcoming, and amazing conventions on the West Coast.

ANYWAY. You don’t want to hear me blather on. You want to know my schedule, right? WELL, HERE WE GO!


4pm – 5pm: Real talk on Tabletop toxicity – Tabletop has a toxicity problem and it should be discussed, like adults in an open forum so we can move forward to fixing rather than having the same old is there a problem or not, it’s you not the community BS we see crop up over and over. Join our discussion for an open discussion on what to do. If you think there is no problem in the table top community and think this is the time for 101 discussion? This won’t be for you.


10am – 12pm: Destroying The Fake Geek Girl Fallacy  Tanya DePass, Donna Prior, Elsa Sjunneson-Henry, and Jessica Price will tear apart the fallacy of the Fake Geek Girl. We’ll spend a bit of time on why this trope is harmful to women and to the gaming community at large. Panelists will be from a variety of backgrounds, experiences and knowledge of geekdom. Find out if it is ever ok to question someone’s geek cred.

8pm- 10pm: The Arl’s Ransom – The Arl of Stenhold is hiring adventurers to escort his children home from an extended family visit in Denerim. The money’s good; what could go wrong? Based on the hugely popular video games, the Dragon Age RPG brings the excitement of BioWare’s rich fantasy world to the tabletop. This 2-hour game is an introduction to Green Ronin’s Dragon Age.

10m- 12am: The Arl’s Ransom – The Arl of Stenhold is hiring adventurers to escort his children home from an extended family visit in Denerim. The money’s good; what could go wrong? Based on the hugely popular video games, the Dragon Age RPG brings the excitement of BioWare’s rich fantasy world to the tabletop. This 2-hour game is an introduction to Green Ronin’s Dragon Age.


2pm – 4pm: Titansgrave: The Rust Wastes – Your characters will explore the mysterious Rust Wastes, a technological graveyard in the city-state of Nestora that promises grave danger and wondrous rewards. What secrets do the Rust Wastes hide? This 2-hour game is an introduction to Green Ronin’s Fantasy Age and Wil Wheaton’s world, Valkana, from his show “Titansgrave: Ashes of Valkana”.

4pm – 6pm: Titansgrave: The Rust Wastes – Your characters will explore the mysterious Rust Wastes, a technological graveyard in the city-state of Nestora that promises grave danger and wondrous rewards. What secrets do the Rust Wastes hide? This 2-hour game is an introduction to Green Ronin’s Fantasy Age and Wil Wheaton’s world, Valkana, from his show “Titansgrave: Ashes of Valkana”.




GX4 Schedule!

September 11, 2016 1 comment


I’ve got some blog posts queued up, but haven’t gotten around to finish them. I’ve got drafts for Gen Con, Dragonflight, and PAX West. I planned on knocking them out, but picked up a nice 3-month contract for work, so I’m a bit behind. Maybe I will get them knocked out this week.

All that aside, I am also working on all the things I need to do for GaymerX 4 and BigBadCon.  This post will be all things GaymerX! As a Tabletop Boss of Honor, it’s important for me to be out and visible as a woman who works in the games industry. I have a unique perspective in that I work in both video games and tabletop games, plus I’m old. OLD OLD OLD. Well, for vidya that is, based on the comments from people who play video games. Queue Angry Old Lady shaking her cane. Which reminds me, I need to get a new cane. My current one is old like me.

Anyway, this isn’t for me to whinge about my age or my disabilities. I can do that any time. Today, I’m putting all my GX4 stuff in one place. I love these blog posts, because it actually helps ME stay organized. So…here we go! Note: These are my official duties. I will, of course, be at the VIP party and other things for BoH to do. Here’s the Sched link to my bio and events:


12pm – 2pm: How to be a Game Master The most common reason given why not to run a game is, “I don’t know how.” This workshop will give you the tools and coaching so that you do know how.

4pm – 5pm: Navigating the Intersection of Videogames & Tabletop – This panel will look at the intersection between video games and pen & paper RPGs, and how to draw strength and learn from both sides.

7PM – 9PM: Titansgrave: The Rust Wastes – Explore the mysterious Rust Wastes, a technological graveyard in the city-state of Nestora that promises grave danger & wondrous rewards. Titansgrave is the new RPG setting created for Wil Wheaton’s RPG show, “Titansgrave: The Ashes of Valkana”.  This 2-hour game is an introduction to Green Ronin Publishing’s Fantasy AGE game system and the Titansgrave world.  Dice & characters will be provided. 

9PM – 11PM: Titansgrave: The Rust Wastes – Explore the mysterious Rust Wastes, a technological graveyard in the city-state of Nestora that promises grave danger & wondrous rewards. Titansgrave is the new RPG setting created for Wil Wheaton’s RPG show, “Titansgrave: The Ashes of Valkana”.  This 2-hour game is an introduction to Green Ronin Publishing’s Fantasy AGE game system and the Titansgrave world.  Dice & characters will be provided. 


11am – 12pm – Queer as a Three-Sided Die: Tabletop Gaymers – Join our tabletop Bosses of Honor to talk about queer issues, themes, and experiences in the tabletop gaming hobby and industry. We want to hear from you!

4pm – 5pm – Manage Session Creating Inclusive Gaming Groups & Events – Want to know how to find inclusive groups for gaming? How do you create your own gaming meet-ups? Many game groups play in public, but they’re not welcoming.

You need anti-harassment policies, a game host welcoming the new players, and relationship building with the business owner. You can do it! Our panelists will give you tips on creating safe & welcoming spaces for new players in public places.

5pm – 6pm – Manage Session Gatekeeping & Geek Policing – Geek policing and gate-keeping happens when someone shows interest in something of the nerdy persuasion, and “true fans” chase them away or “cred check”, especially towards marginalized groups. You’re not a REAL geek if you don’t like Firefly” “FEMALES don’t like strategy games” “OMG WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU LOVE 4TH EDITION, IT SUCKS”. These are all examples of gatekeeping & geek policing.


9am – 11am – The Arl’s Ransom The Arl of Stenhold is hiring adventurers to escort his children home from an extended family visit in Denerim. The money’s good; what could go wrong? Based on the hugely popular video games, the Dragon Age RPG brings the excitement of BioWare’s rich fantasy world to the tabletop. This 2-hour game is an introduction to Green Ronin’s Dragon Age. Dice & characters will be provided!

11am – 12pm – The Arl’s Ransom – The Arl of Stenhold is hiring adventurers to escort his children home from an extended family visit in Denerim. The money’s good; what could go wrong? Based on the hugely popular video games, the Dragon Age RPG brings the excitement of BioWare’s rich fantasy world to the tabletop. This 2-hour game is an introduction to Green Ronin’s Dragon Age. Dice & characters will be provided!

3:00pm – 4:00pm – Fans vs Creators: Is there a better way? – Whether we’re talking about the 100, Ghostbusters, or your favorite video game series, there’s a sense that fandom spaces have become armed camps rather than spaces for discussion. Creators are suddenly backed against a wall feeling as if they must now justify their choices. Is that justification truly necessary? Where does the line exist between listening to one’s audience and caving to their demands? Is there such a thing as a ‘good fan’ and a ‘bad fan’, and how does one walk that line in order to participate in a healthy conversation with creators about things like representation? Is that even possible anymore?”





All things Gen Con!

June 3, 2016 Comments off

I’m super duper excited about Gen Con this year, and not just because I was selected as one of the 2016 Industry Insiders. Okay that’s a big part of it.

I’m super honored to be chosen this year, and I look forward to meeting so many amazing people.

I’ll be doing my usual duties, working in the Green Ronin Publishing booth. Actually, I’ll be rocking the Geek & Sundry portion of the Gen Con booth. So stop by for some Critical Role and Titansgrave goodness. I’ll post more to my socials when I know exactly what we’re gonna be selling and doing with the team. So many secret plans! /evil *edit* Here’s everything Green Ronin and Geek & Sundry! 

Before I get into more Industry Insiders stuff, I want to first thank all the old and new volunteer GMs who are bringing 90+ RPG sessions to Gen Con! We’ll be running lots of Mutants & Masterminds, Titansgrave, Fantasy AGE, Dragon Age, Song of Ice & Fire RPG, DC Adventures, some Freeport Pathfinder, and even Ork! You can do a search for Green Ronin to see all the games we’ve submitted. *gleeee*

Back to the Industry Insiders! I’ll be on a few panels for the Seminars below. Signups are live, so go ahead and add it to your schedule.


SEM16100220  – ­ It’s A Jungle Out There: Safety For Gamers

Controversies over inclusivity & other issues have created a dangerous social media environment for gamers. Learn how to protect yourself online, help victims of harassment, & more.


SEM16100219 – Inclusive Gaming: How To Host & Create A Safe & Welcoming Space For All – ICC : 241 (1pm-2pm)

Learn about creating a fun, welcoming, supportive environment for all gamers at your table, & about how to build rich, inclusive stories that your players will remember for years to come.


SEM16100225 – Making RPG Welcoming To New Players – ICC : 241 (10am-11am)

As the RPG & story gaming hobby grows, we need to know how to create a warm, inviting & safe atmosphere for new players. How do we do our best to make sure these players have fun & come back?

SEM16100231- Social Media & The Gaming Industry –  ICC : 240 (4pm-5pm)

Social media has changed the world, & gaming is no exception. Discussion on ways to improve your online presence, market yourself & your game to prospective clients & customers.


SEM16100226 – Raising Money To Publish Your Board Game – ICC : 241 (11am-12pm)

Confused about Kickstarter? Flummoxed about funding? We will discuss a number of different ways to fund your board game project beyond just crowdfunding, including related legal and business issues.

Still not enough to find me? Here’s where else I will be:


  • Meeting Green Ronin GMs. I’ll be stationed outside the expo hall so my GMs can find me and get their badges, and whatever information. Look for my GR shirt and green hair. Come hang out with me from 1pm-7pm.
  • Dinner at the Claddaugh Pub. Dinner & GM badge handouts
  • Diana Jones Awards


  • Working in the Geek & Sundry area of the Green Ronin booth, with the exception of the seminar.
  • VIG Party


  • G&S at Green Ronin again. I’ll be MIA from about 10am – noon, as I wrangle the Critical Role Q&A panel, which starts at 11am. It’s free, but you need a free ticket to attend. No generics accepted. Once the ticketed folks are sat, anyone can come in without a ticket, if there is room.
  • Playing Games with GR staff. Somewhere. Some time. I hope there is beer.



  • G&S at Green Ronin booth! Final seminar! Last hugs! Sales!
  • GR dinner and probably some drinks in there. Hah!


GaymerX 2015 and me!

December 1, 2015 Comments off

Weee! I am so excited about attending GaymerX this year! I backed the first Kickstarter, but was unable to attend. I wanted to back the second, but I was in between gigs. Now I am super jazzed that not only can I attend, but I will be one of the RPG Bosses of Honor! *squeee* Look at the amazing Bosses of Honor!


I’ve got numerous panels and three RPG sessions, plus I’ll be running around playing games as much as possible. I’ll have copies of our game Love2Hate, plus other portable card/board games. Such a nerd. I’m also up for on-the-fly demos of Dragon Age RPG and Titansgrave RPG. I’ll bring plenty of character sheets!


Coming out in the Game Industry 1pm-2pm
From last year’s panel, we expand upon the struggles many have in coming out in the game industry, both on a personal level to friends and family, as well as a professional level to co-workers. If you are trying to find a way to be an open gaymer, come to this panel!

Titansgrave Friday, Dec 11, 2-4pm (4 spots open)
Explore the mysterious Rust Wastes, a technological graveyard in the city-state of Nestora that promises grave danger & wondrous rewards. Your characters will explore the mysterious Rust Wastes, a technological graveyard in the city-state of Nestora that promises grave danger and wondrous rewards. What secrets do the Rust Wastes hide? Titansgrave is the new RPG setting created for Wil Wheaton’s RPG show, “Titansgrave: The Ashes of Valkana”.

Building Inclusive Gaming Communities On & Offline 6pm-7pm
Community is the most important thing. But how do you build a community and make sure it is a healthy and welcoming one? Join us as we talk about building communities both online and offline around the things we  love the most. Because we know how important it is to find like minded people who understand what we go through. Let us show you how to make sure that happens by giving you the tools and knowledge to create it yourself.


Diversity in Games – What’s Next? 12pm-1pm
In this panel we will explore what developers can do to include all types of players. We will also encourage open discussion with the audience to learn how the community feels the industry needs to change to make a more inclusive generation of games.

Queer as a 3-sided Die 3pm-4pm
Industry panelists lead discussion of gender and sexuality issues in gaming from design and publishing to game-play and community.

Titansgrave Saturday, Dec 12, 6-8pm (5 spots open)
Explore the mysterious Rust Wastes, a technological graveyard in the city-state of Nestora that promises grave danger & wondrous rewards. Your characters will explore the mysterious Rust Wastes, a technological graveyard in the city-state of Nestora that promises grave danger and wondrous rewards. What secrets do the Rust Wastes hide? Titansgrave is the new RPG setting created for Wil Wheaton’s RPG show, “Titansgrave: The Ashes of Valkana”.


Dragon Age Sunday, Dec 13, 10am-12pm (2 spots open)
The Arl of Stenhold is hiring adventurers to escort his children home from an extended family visit in Denerim. The money’s good; what could go wrong? Based on the hugely popular video games, the Dragon Age RPG brings the excitement of BioWare’s rich fantasy world to the tabletop.

All Your Culture Are Belong to us: Appropriation, Erasure, and RPGs 1pm-2pm
You favorite game might be problematic… but it doesn’t have to be. This panel will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of RPG’s while pointing out examples of cultural appropriation or erasure.

NorWesCon 2015 Schedule!

February 2, 2015 Comments off

It’s that time again, the time we all love! CONVENTION SEASON! I’ve got heaps of things going on with Emerald City ComicCon, GottaCon, NorWesCon, Gen Con, and more. But for right now, I wanted to get my NorWesCon schedule online so I can link it around. For the times I am not in a panel, I will be hosting the OrcaCon table in the Fan Table hallway. Other than that, I’ll be enjoying NachosBeerCon in the bar!

Thursday, April 2nd

Your Grandma’s a Gamer, Too – Cascade 7&8 5:00PM-6:00PM

The accessibility of games is increasing due to phones and tablets, so who is actually playing all these new games? Let’s talk about what is out there and how to find the good ones.
Donna Prior (M), Adrienne Carlson, Jonny Nero Action Hero

How to Give Good Panel – Cascade 12 6:00PM-7:00PM
Tips and tricks on being a good moderator, panelist, or presenter at a convention. What’s your job, really, when your name appears after a panel description in the program book? How do you keep it on-topic and interesting for the audience? And what do you do when some blowhard in the back row thinks they know more than you?
Margaret Organ-Kean (M), Donna Prior, Bart Kemper

Is Fandom More Diverse & Accepting? – Cascade 6 8:00PM-9:00PM
The idea that fandom and SF/F is more accepting and diverse is often bandied around. Is that true? How do we move beyond the oppressive tropes? And what can we do to be aware of creating a truly accepting environment?
Sheye Anne Blaze (M), Amber Clark, Maida ‘Mac’ Combs, Donna Prior

Friday, April 3rd

How are Games & Gamers Changing the World? – Cascade 9 12:00PM-1:00PM
A discussion about the rising sun of the gamer, and all the different ways that this generation who grew up on video games has changed with how the world works. This will cover both the good and the bad.
Donna Prior (M), Elizabeth Sampat, David J. Peterson, Jonny Nero Action Hero, C0splay

Building a Community – Cascade 9 1:00PM-2:00PM
You have a passion that you want to share with the world. You know there are other people out there with similar interests, but how do you find them? Share and learn tips on building your passion into a community.
Mike Robles (M), Tifa Robles, Donna Prior, G. Willow Wilson

GOH Q&A – Grand 3 3:00PM-4:00PM
An interview and Q&A session with Norwescon 38 Artist Guest of Honor Julie Dillon.
Julie Dillon, Donna Prior

The Future Belongs to Everyone – Cascade 5 8:00PM-9:00PM
Recognizing positive examples of race, gender, and sexual identity in popular media.
Dennis R. Upkins (M), Sheye Anne Blaze, Maida ‘Mac’ Combs, Donna Prior

Saturday, April 4th

Creating Inclusive Gaming Groups & Events – Cascade 10 5:00PM-6:00PM
Enjoy board games? Love the idea of painting miniatures? Want to know how to find inclusive groups for gaming? How do you create your own gaming meet-ups? Our panelists will give you tips on creating game groups, finding public game meet-ups, and enjoying gaming conventions as a newbie. Want to be a better organizer? We’ll work with you to build positivity in your current groups, how to find new players, and how to encourage their participation.
Donna Prior (M), Elizabeth Sampat, Gwen Yeh, Bijhan Valibeigi

Sunday, April 5th

The Geek Secret Handshake – Cascade 7&8 12:00PM-1:00PM
School, work and social environments sometimes make it hard to fly your geek flag as prominently as you might like. Get and share tips for recognizing kindred spirits without freaking the mundanes. (I have Opinions(TM) about the term “freaking the mundanes” and will certainly share it)
Mike Robles (M), Donna Prior, David Shoemaker, Michael G. Munz, Minim Calibre

Fandom in Daily Life – Cascade 3&4 2:00PM-3:00PM
Are you weird, geeky, or a total nerd, and proud of it? Do you express your fannishness in daily life, or do you tone it down for your day job? Come participate in a discussion and share how you show your fannish colors.
Victoria Shaffer (M), Donna Prior, Mike Robles, Jonny Nero Action Hero, Shubzilla


August 26, 2014 Comments off

I am pretty darn excited about PAX 2014 this year. I won’t be working for a games company, which is odd. But, I will still be there working! And when I say working, I mean working for my own community efforts. I’ll be mostly found up in the Diversity Lounge on the 6th floor, hosting a table for my group, Inclusive Geekery. If you’re looking for Backup Ribbons from the Backup Ribbon Project, I will have them at the table and also be carrying them around! 


I’m so very excited to have some great volunteers working with me at the table, so I can run off do do panels and game demos. Want to find me if I am not at our table? The Diversity Lounge has 2 tables set up for schedule meetups, game demos, roundtables, and whatnot. I’ll pretty much live in the Lounge for the weekend, and here are my panels (outside the lounge) and my actual lounge activities:


  • My panel, Building Inclusive Communities in Analog Gaming. 11:30am-12:30pm Hedgehog Theatre (Grand Hyatt 1st floor). YES IT WILL BE STREAMED! WHOOIEEEE!
  • Diversity Lounge (Meetup) Queer Meetup: 2pm-3pm
  • Diversity Lounge (Meetup) Bisexual Women’s Meetup: 4pm-5pm


  • Filling in on the panel, How to Love and Hate Tabletop Games. 11:30am-12:30pm Sandworm Theatre (Sheraton 2nd floor). I do not know if it is streamed.
  • Diversity Lounge (Meetup) – Gay Game Industry Professionals meetup 12pm – 2pm, although it overlaps a little bith with the panel.
  • Diversity Lounge (Game Demo) – Green Ronin’s Dragon Age RPG 2-hour demo 2pm-4pm. I’ll have pre-generated characters, dice, and such for you!
  • Diversity Lounge (Roundtable) – Roundtable discussion about creating inclusive game/geek spaces IRL 5pm-6pm



  • Diversity Lounge (Game Demo) – Green Ronin’s Dragon Age RPG 2-hour demo 2pm-4pm. I’ll have pre-generated characters, dice, and such for you!

Of course, I’ll be supporting lots of local inclusive groups who will drop flyers off and such. Plus, I’ll definitely be bringing information about OrcaCon 2016! Please drop by and say hello!

Updated: Gen Con 2014 Schedule

July 6, 2014 Comments off


Update: So, my games are all going to be in the JW Marriott. They’re all full, but there might be openings or I could fit you in as a sixth person no problem. So, due to the games being where they are, it means that I won’t make it to the Exhibit Hall at all, unless I am there early in the morning with an Exhibitor badge. My last game on Sunday ends at 1pm, so I’ll be trucking my arse over so I can give everyone at the Green Ronin booths some well needed wander around time. Here are some added things:

  • Wednesday – Booth setup and maybe hitting up The Stink. Or some other gaming thing. Or maybe just lay around the hotel to gear up for the amount of people I will be shoved together with for a con. Yay introvert! Really, I haven’t made any Wednesday plans outside of doing whatever Green Ronin booth needs me to do.
  • Thursday – Gen Con Gaymers Facebook group is having a Gaymers Dinner. I have a couple extra Gaymer ribbons on me, so I’ll be passing some out when I see folks who want them. You can get them also at the Gaymers Dinner and random other places.  After the dinner, I am not sure what I’m going. Maybe find some games?
  • Friday – Some nerds and I are going to pick a place to play games and drink beer. That is at 8pm, so I’ve got free time between my game and the dinner. Maybe I will just nap.
  • Sunday – Annual Ronin Gen Con dinner
  • Monday – Our flight isn’t until the evening so we’ll just be slacking around Indy once we’ve checked out of our hotel.

**If you want to see the entire Green Ronin schedule, you can find it here: Green Ronin at Gen Con 2014

It’s hard to believe it is almost time for another Gen Con. I had an amazing time last year, working part time for Green Ronin and Hostile Work Environment. Met a lot of new awesome folks and reconnected with old friends. I don’t think I managed to play any games last year, but really, that’s not why I attend. I love running my Dragon Age demos, and loving checking out the new games. This year, I hope to make it to some panels, since I’ll have some downtime between my demo games. If I don’t have anything else happening, I’ll most likely be found at the Green Ronin booth #1517.

This is my current schedule, which might change if I jump into any panels or events. My events are full, but people still have time to drop out of games, I think. So I might have something open up. Also, sometimes people don’t show for the game, or I can fit one extra at the table. I’ll most likely tweet out if my table has spaces right before each game in case you want that spot.

My demos of Dragon Age are RP-focused, and VERY accessible to new-to-RPG folks. Here’s a description of the game:

The Arl of Stenhold is hiring adventurers to escort his children home from an extended family visit in Denerim. The money’s good; what could go wrong?

Thursday, 8/14:

  • 11:ooam-1:00pm: RPG1458661 “An Arl’s Ransom”
  • 3:00pm – 5:00pm: RPG1458662 “An Arl’s Ransom”

Friday, 8/15:

  • 11:ooam-1:00pm: RPG1458663 “An Arl’s Ransom”
  • 3:00pm – 5:00pm: RPG1458664 “An Arl’s Ransom”

Saturday, 8/16:

  • 11:ooam-1:00pm: RPG1458665 “An Arl’s Ransom”
  • 3:00pm – 5:00pm: RPG1458666 “An Arl’s Ransom”

Sunday, 8/17:

  • 11:ooam-1:00pm: RPG1458667 “An Arl’s Ransom”

NorWesCon 2014 Panel Schedule!

March 23, 2014 Comments off

I can’t believe it’s already NorWesCon time again. I did not get to participate last year, so it will be good to see some of the changes which have occurred since my last visit. I’m very excited about the new anti-harassment policy and I hope to see less creepy behavior this year. I can’t say I have a love/hate relationship with NorWesCon any longer, as many folks involved are doing their best to keep their policy updated, and accepted feedback on it with grace.  There have always been heaps of things I’ve loved at NorWesCon, but some some things I’ve been pretty uncomfortable with. I’ve always enjoyed being invited as a pro-panelist, and they’ve always been super attentive and supportive.

I’m VERY pleased at a lot more focus on a more inclusive and & welcoming convention. I’ve always felt like such an outsider, as I’m not that much of a fandom gal, nor am I attending for the literary side of things. I’m kinda stuck in the middle sometimes, and every year, I debate throwing myself into the fray to try to create the change I want to see.

I love talking about games. I love talking to others about games. I love talking about working in the games industry, both from a video game and analog game point of view. I enjoy deep discussions about Star Wars, craft beer, social justice, and perfect nachos. I love getting a chance to see my peers in the industry, along with talking with excited fans. I love sitting down with beers & board games, or getting a game demo. I love the passion that a lot of people put into their hobbies.

This year, I’ve got 7 panels. Around those times, I plan on teaching lots of demo games of Green Ronin Publishing’s Love2Hate as possible. If you’re up for a game, you’ll most likely find me in the bar, enjoying NachosBeerCon. I’m happy to throw down a game at any time! I will also bring my Dragon Age RPG demo kit, if you are up for a 2-hour game over beers.


Gaming Cons: An Adventurer’s Guide
Thu 4:00pm-5:00pm Cascade 5
There are a lot of gaming conventions out there and they all have their own cultures and mores. Come find out what conventions there are and what they have to offer the adventurous gamer in you.
Ogre Whiteside (M), Julie Haehn, Jeremy Holcomb, Adam Koebel, Donna Prior

Nerding Out in the Pacific Northwest
Thur 6:00pm-7:00pm Cascade 6
Spending your Latinum: Who, what, when, how, and why?
Morgue Anne (M), Matt Hammond, MC-3PO of DeathStar, C0splay of DeathStar, Donna Prior

The “Panel” Panel
Thur 8:00pm-9:00pm Cascade 3&4 
Tips and tricks on being a good moderator, pro, or panelist at a convention. What’s your job, really, when your name appears after a panel description in a program book? How do you keep it on-topic and interesting for the audience? And what do you do when some blowhard in the back row thinks they know more than you?
Janna Silverstein (M), Janet Borkowski, Charles “Zan” Christensen, Nicole Dieker (Hello, The Future!), Donna Prior

Out of Game: Gaming Like Adults
Fri 9:00pm-10:00pm Cascade 10
Personal conflicts? Scheduling hassles? Trying to sort out what snacks to bring and who helps clean up afterwards? In game conflicts that brew into out of game unpleasantness? We should talk about this, and our panelists will.
Sar Surmick (M), Eric Cagle, Donna Prior, Bryan Syme, Ogre Whiteside

How Are Games and Gamers Changing the World?
Fri 10:00pm-11:00pm Cascade 10
A discussion about the rising sun of the gamer, and all the different ways that this generation who grew up on video games has changed with how the world works. This will cover both the good and the bad.
Hunter Mayer (M), Angel Leigh McCoy, Donna Prior, Gregory A. Wilson, Gwen Yeh

Twitter and Tumblr and Facebook, OH MY!
Sun 11:00am-Noon Cascade 3&4
Where do you get your fandom fixes? Every social media has it’s own culture. What’s different about the various social medias, and how do they interact within themselves and with each other in spreading fandom.
Jen K (M), Donna Prior, Jonny Nero Action Hero, Lola Watson

Creating & Building Inclusive Gaming Groups
Sun 1:00pm-2:00pm Cascade 5
Enjoy board games? Love the idea of painting miniatures? Want to know how to find inclusive groups for gaming? How do you create your own gaming meet-ups? Our panelists will give you tips on creating game groups, finding public game meet-ups, and enjoying gaming conventions as a newbie. Want to be a better organizer? We’ll work with you to build positivity in your current groups, how to find new players, and how to encourage their participation.
Donna Prior (M), Berry Sizemore, Ogre Whiteside

Steamcon Code of Conduct

December 13, 2013 1 comment


Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct is to provide guidance to all Steamcon V convention members. It is to help ensure that the behavior of one individual does not adversely disturb the rest of the members. It applies to all pre-con, at con, and post-con activities that are related to Steamcon V. All members are encouraged to read this Code and ask questions of anything that they do not understand.

Steamcon V is prepared to deal with any violations of the code as legally, rapidly, and efficiently as possible. We hope that all members will help to make Steamcon V an enjoyable experience for all, by respecting the rights of all attendees while in attendance.

Steamcon V reserves the right to revoke membership and eject any individual at any time from Steamcon V. No refunds will be provided.

Failure to adhere to the code of conduct may result in:

  • Mediation by the Con Chair and Convention Operations talking to all parties involved in an incident
  • Verbal warnings
  • Turning the individual in to hotel/convention center staff/security
  • Revocation of membership and ejection from Steamcon V
  • Contacting local law enforcement

BADGES: Steamcon V is a membership event and membership badges must be worn at all time by all members and staff. A badge is only valid for the individual to whom it was issued. Badges may not be shared. Steamcon V requires that all individuals age 3 and over have membership badges for the convention, and that they be clearly visible when at Steamcon V.

PERSONAL INTERACTION: We ask that you respect others so that everyone is comfortable and feels safe while attending Steamcon V.

  • Harassment of others will not be tolerated and is a violation of the code of conduct.
  • If someone asks you to leave them alone or tells you no, you walk away, and you do not approach them again. There is no reason for you to have any further interaction with them.
  • Discrimination of any sort is not tolerated and is a violation of the code of conduct.
  • Discrimination is not limited to gender, race, ethnicity, age, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or physical/mental disability.
    • If you feel that you have been harassed or discriminated against:
    • Tell the individual that their behavior is inappropriate. Sometimes this is sufficient.
    • If you do not feel comfortable talking with the individuals involved, or if talking to them once does not work, please immediately report the situation to any Steamcon V committee or staff member. If possible provide a badge name or name and a physical description of the person or persons involved. The committee or staff member will notify Convention Operations and/or the Con Chair.
  • PLEASE: Keep in mind that unless an incident is reported, nothing can be done.

PUBLIC PARTIES: Specific party rules will be published separately and provided to all party hosts.

Only certain convention hotel rooms are available for parties and all parties must be coordinated with Steamcon V.

No one under 21 will be served alcohol. Hosts are required to card anyone who wishes to drink at their event. Attempting to drink while under 21 or knowingly serving alcohol to someone under 21 is a violation of the code of conduct, and could subject you to removal from Steamcon V.

HOTEL INTERACTIONS: We ask that you follow any and all rules set by the convention hotels.

The person whose name the room is rented is solely responsible for the conduct of all individuals in the room and the condition of the room. Excessive trash, any act of vandalism, deliberate or excessive damage to hotel room and its contents, or any negative interference with hotel staff that may present a hazard to said hotel staff will result in the hotel taking control of the situation.

Individuals, regardless of whose name the room is rented in, will be billed for said damages by the hotel. In addition, individuals may be evicted from the hotel and/or the convention and may also face criminal charges.

SMOKING: The City of Bellevue does not allow smoking in any public buildings, including hotels, restaurants, or the convention center.

PETS: Only service animals are allowed in hotel and convention function spaces.


  • Steamcon V recognizes that weapons and weapon replicas are an integral part of the Steampunk look and aesthetic, and as such will be present at the convention. However, any weapon that is sufficiently realistic may cause issue with local law enforcement and Steamcon V reserves the right to request that you leave such a weapon in your room or off premises regardless of any permit for such weapon.
  • All laws of the City of Bellevue, King County, and the state of Washington regarding weapons are in force while on convention property, and any violation of such is also a violation of the code of conduct resulting in immediate expulsion from the convention.
  • Any weapon (actual, realistic or toy) that is brandished about or utilized in a threating or harmful manner is a violation of the code of conduct.
  • The discharge of any projectile weapon outside of an approved demonstration or convention event is a violation of the code of conduct.


Steamcon V members should be aware that photographs, video and audio recordings occur during the convention, and that their likenesses may appear in these recordings. Attendees and members agree to assign without compensation the use of their likenesses for the use of promotion material.

Steamcon V welcomes members of the press to all events. All journalists, media photographers and any other members of the press are required to display an official Steamcon V Press Badge or be accompanied by a Steamcon V staff member at all times.

Members should be polite and ask before taking photographs or recordings of members and attendees whenever possible. Photography and audio/video recordings for personal archival use is generally acceptable, unless an individual makes it clear that they do not wish to be photographed or recorded, in which case it becomes expressly forbidden.

The usage of photographic or recording devices is prohibited in certain area of the convention including the Film Room, Art Show, and Art Auction. Where allowed, please take photographs before or after a program event to avoid distracting panelists and audience members to the maximum extent possible.

The offering for sale of any merchandise may only occur in designated areas with the permission of Steamcon V.

Steamcon V reserves the right to amend the code of conduct at any time without prior or posted notice and reserves the sole right of interpretation. The rules stated above are not all inclusive and involve worst-case scenarios.

Any action or behavior that is illegal, unsafe, or causes significant interference with convention operations, excessive discomfort to members, or adversely affects Steamcon V’s relationship with its guests, the venue, or the public is strictly forbidden.